If you were to make a pyramid of your priorities, what would you discover?
Did you even make the priority list?
In working with moms, I’ve found that most of the time moms don’t think to put themselves on the pyramid at all.
When I talk to moms, I remind them about the pre-flight instructions everyone receive when they go on an airplane: “In the event of an emergency or loss in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will release from above. If you are traveling with children, put your own mask on before you help others with their masks.” I talk about the importance of “putting on their oxygen mask” first before they can help others, especially their family. I share how I had to learn this lesson the hard way. Shortly after my son, Isaac, was born, I wasn’t putting my needs first, and I wound up unable to help myself. I gradually began to learn that if I put God first and myself second then I could take care of those I love the most. It was a hard lesson to learn but one that I will never forget.
Society tells us that this concept of putting yourself high on the priority list is selfish.
This is a lie!
If we don’t put ourselves before other people and things, we are unable to take care of our families and friends or do the job God has called us to do. It is selfish not to put yourself second on your priority pyramid.
I’m starting this substitute teaching adventure on my days off. Last Tuesday was the first day I could sub, and I was ready. I cleared my calendar. Jon made dinner and put it in the crock pot for later that night. After a restless night’s sleep, I woke up at 5 to learn there were no substitute teaching jobs available. I was disappointed, and I had to figure out a new direction. I decided to make it a self-care day! I went back to sleep, cashed in on some birthday presents including a massage, and went on a shopping trip. I also took a walk with a friend. All these things will be harder to do once I start subbing. I felt refreshed and ready to tackle what’s next.
You may not have an entire day to a self-care but you may have a half day, a couple of hours, or even an hour. Making yourself a priority in life will give you the energy to joyfully serve the people who matter most to you.
When can you schedule your next time of self-care? Is it a massage, shopping trip, exercise, lunch with a friend, or time to read?
Get creative and plan a day for you TODAY!
If you need help working through your priority pyramid, I’d love to help you. Feel free to reach out to me, so I can help you get on the right track.